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3 Preventative Maintenance Tips for Your Commercial HVAC

3 Preventative Maintenance Tips for Your Commercial HVAC

Running a company is a lot of responsibility. From doing your job to making sure employees do theirs, it’s crucial that everything runs smoothly. That’s why you should make sure your commercial HVAC system is properly maintained. This will prevent breakdowns that affect the temperature and air quality inside your buildings. Below, Ron Hammes Refrigeration in La Crosse, WI, shares three ways you can prevent issues with your HVAC so your buildings are always in top condition with heated and cooled air.

Maintain Your Commercial HVAC with These 3 Tips

1. Use HVAC Data

Monitor the way your HVAC system works. Collect information on the building’s temperature over the seasons as well as what you set the temperature too. Note how long it takes for the building to properly heat up and cool down. Then, work with an HVAC professional to see what changes need to be made based on the data you gathered. You might have to install more vents, clean your ducts more frequently, or even switch HVAC systems to find one that is more cost- and energy-efficient for your company.

2. Get Seasonal Inspections

With every season comes different conditions. The changing amount of sunlight outside along with dropping or rising temperatures creates different needs for your HVAC system. Get seasonal inspections of your entire system to ensure your building is ready for these changes. 

3. Consider Insulating Factors

Your HVAC is only one aspect of your heating and cooling. Your property must have a high-quality weatherproof roof and ample insulation to remain energy-efficient. Your HVAC will run better when you also maintain your roof and insulation.


These preventative maintenance tasks will help ensure your commercial buildings are running at full capacity. You can reduce operating costs and mitigate the need for emergency repairs with these simple steps. To work with a premier HVAC company in La Crosse on maintaining your commercial holdings, call Ron Hammes Refrigeration at (608) 788-3110. Visit the website for information on their full-service environmental control offerings, from air conditioning and heating maintenance.

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